Tuesday, 28 August 2012

It's evolution, baby! Ludum Dare #24

Long time no see!

I've come back to life to....eat your braaaaainz!!!.

Well, not really.

I could start with the prototype I've been coding at a ridiculously irregular rate, but I'll restrain for now until I have something that I can show or talk about. Instead, I want to talk about the Ludum Dare.

This weekend was the 24th edition, and I contributed with my first submission. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, it is a speed game development jam. There are two modes: the competition, where you have 48 hours to develop a game by yourself, and the jam. In the jam you can work in teams and have one more day to do stuff.

I've always liked  the idea, and the challenge a game jam represents, so I was considering to join one sooner or later. Since the theme for this edition was Evolution, which is a topic I've been interested in for some time, I couldn't let it go. My choice was to make a god game where you could control an evolving ecosystem sim of sorts, based in an overly simplistic implementation of genetic algorithms.

I won't delve in much detail. Instead, I'll just link to the submission and post-mortem posts, stating what went right (a couple of lessons that could be valuable for life), and what went wrong (almost everything else).

Despite this, I'm thinking that the idea is interesting, so I might give it a go and develop it in the future (once I'm done with the prototype and a full version of Wall Chaos, of course).

And, of course, the direct link. Don't dig too much into the code, please... it is embarrassing :P
Dropbox link here. Uncompress and enjoy (Windows only, sorry :S)